Thiruvananthapuram vartha Malayalam latest news from Trivandrum
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About us

A global approach we take to communicate in concerned local language addressing the audience with the contents locally produced. We have a wide and huge tradition of more than 30 years in international journalism from which we create the local information contents. The rest phase itself gave us amazing results which tempted us to go wider with the same concept. Thiruvananthapuram Vartha was born out of this inspirational thought process to target the audience with the authentic content from the capital Thiruvananthapuram.

Our Mission & Vision

To satisfy the viewers or readers with the untold stories from their original locality with a touch of authentic , impartial, unbiased, original and transparent contents of neighbourhood journalism. We deliver the content with confidence to test, try and trust for the generations and it can be kept as the local history for ever at the respective archives. Thiruvananthapuram Vartha can be an encyclopedia for local Thiruvananthapuram matters even after the current millennium.

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